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This meet will be for Academy White and Red
Saturday May 11, IMR, Warm Up 12pm, Start 1pm
Sunday May 12, IMX, Warm Up 12pm, Start 1pm
What is an IMR/IMX -
SOLO is hosting an officials' clinic the weekend of their Pentathlon (14&U IMR & IMX Challenge), May 11-12th.
If you complete the officials' clinic and do the shadowing at their 14 & U IMR & IMX meet your swimmers $50 Clinic fee gets waived!
Official Clinic - Free - Saturday 9-11:30am - Bring your laptop and lunch/stay to apprentice for the afternoon meet.
Athlete Clinic - $50 - 9-11:15am (Saturday - Backstroke, Sunday - Starts, turns and underwaters)
For more details click the link below